How Nigeria Disappointed Africa – Analysts

2 hours ago 6


Back Obasanjo’s Verdict On The Nation

Say Nigeria No Longer Giant Of Africa

LAGOS – Several Nigerians have taken a look at former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s recent state­ment that Nigeria has disap­pointed Africa and the world, saying that the country, for­merly touted as the giant of the continent, has indeed become a failed state.

Julius Adegunna, a media executive and one of the an­alysts who spoke exclusively with Sunday Independent, agreed with Obasanjo that Ni­geria has disappointed Africa and the world.

Obasanjo had said that the whole world looked at Nigeria as the hope of the black race due to its potential, but bad leader­ship, disunity and regionalism have made the country lose its potential.

The former President stat­ed this while playing host to the 20-member delegation of League of Northern Democrats last Tuesday at his Penthouse, located within the premises of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presi­dential Library, Abeokuta.

The statesman also blamed regionalism, which was prac­tised before the nation’s inde­pendence in 1960, as the founda­tion of the country’s prolonged lack of cohesion.

Mr. Adegunna stated: “That Nigeria has disappointed Africa and the world is not an under­statement. We can equally ask: Has Nigeria not disappointed Nigerians?

“Since 1999 that Chief Obasanjo came in to lead this Fourth Republic, what can we say of Nigeria vis a vis Nigeri­ans, and Nigeria and other parts of the world?

“Nigeria has failed in many areas, the days of Africa being the centrepiece of Nigeria’s di­plomacy is gone.

“Economically, Nigeria has failed to provide leadership in Africa. Nigeria cannot feed its citizens. Nigeria cannot secure its residents. Nigeria that used to provide electricity for its neighbours can no longer pro­vide for its citizens.

“What can we say about Ni­geria? It earns no respect any more, either from within or outside. Long term dreams of the founding fathers are fast descending to oblivion.

“Unfortunately, the disap­pointment has steadily been on a continuous downward slope since 1999. May God save Nigeria from its visionless and selfish leaders.”

Ismaeel Excel Ogunsola, the African Action Congress (AAC) candidate for Ibarapa, Oyo State, in the 2023 general elections, in his response, stat­ed: “To disappoint means there was some level of expectations, and if there were any expecta­tion from Nigeria, it will be be­cause of its vast resources and human capital.

“These expectations were shattered majorly by its satanic leaders starting from President Olusegun Obasanjo himself in 1999 (for recent history).

“Since that turn of democ­racy, Nigeria’s democratic transition has been marred by regression in the democratic standard of election turn selec­tion, selecting rulers in disguise of real leaders, and our doomed system and patriarchs impos­ing monsters and knaves on the populace; crushing our choices and the once touted giant of Af­rica is now dwarfing to oblivion.

“Not just elections, but also the unprecedented economic mismanagement: Corruption, inflation hitting 32.7% in 2024.”

Ogunsola also spoke on in­frastructural deficit, and declin­ing education standard over the years.

According to him, “Poverty rates now at all-time high and Nigeria ranks 161/189 in Hu­man Development Index (2022), while our Corruption Percep­tion Index is 149/180 (2022)

“So, if there are people who are still delusional about the giant status of Nigeria, I dare inform them that the rest of Af­rica has left her behind a long time ago.

“In conclusion, President Obasanjo is not totally wrong, but tell him he is the ringleader of the team that is responsible for Nigeria’s disappointment.”


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