Why NESG, News Central May Team Up For Transformative Partnership

2 hours ago 5

LAGOS – In a significant move poised to reshape Nigeria’s economic landscape, the Nigerian Eco­nomic Summit Group (NESG) and News Central Television may be set to embark on a groundbreaking partnership aimed at fostering economic prosperity.

The proposed deal, unveiled during a recent high-profile meeting, underscores the com­mitment of both organisations to driving positive change in Nigeria.

The gathering saw the ex­ecutive management of News Central and NESG leadership discussing the pivotal role of media in shaping public opin­ion and policy. Kayode Akin­temi, Managing Director of News Central, emphasised the importance of NESG’s contri­butions to economic discourse, stating that collaborations like these are essential for building a progressive future for Nigeria.

Mr. Udeme Ufot (MFR), board member and Chairman of the Media and Publicity Commit­tee for the upcoming National Economic Summit 30 (NES30), praised News Central’s rapid achievements and its fresh, factual content. He highlighted the potential of the partnership to keep economic issues at the forefront of national discussion.

Dr. Tayo Aduloju, CEO of NESG, reflected on the organ­isation’s journey through Ni­geria’s economic challenges, reaffirming its commitment to evidence-based policy and ad­vocacy. He expressed optimism that the collaboration will nav­igate Nigeria’s turbulent eco­nomic waters effectively.

Tomi Falade - Life Editor
Tomi is an experienced editor at Daily Independent with a flair for scripting extraordinary stories. Among other things, she covers all things lifestyle, arts, entertainment, fashion, tourism and other sister genres.
She has a demonstrated history of working in Event Management, Journalism, Media Relations, Corporate Communications, with strong ties to the print media community.
