Oando Backs NUPRC To Grow Production By Incremental 1m BOPD

2 hours ago 6


 Oando Plc, Nigeria’s leading integrated energy company listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange and Johannes­burg Stock Exchange, has pledged its commitment to support Nigerian Upstream Regulatory Commission’s (NUPRC) obligation to grow production by incremental one million barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

It made the pledge when it joined industry peers at the NUPRC third anniversary celebration on Monday, Oc­tober 21, in Abuja.

The anniversary cele­bration also served as the launch of the commission’s Project One Million Barrels of Oil Per Day (bopd) incre­ment.

The landmark event was graced by His Excellen­cy, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, ably represented by Senator George Akume, Secretary to the Govern­ment of the Federation; Senator Heineken Lokpo­biri, Minister of State Pe­troleum Resources (Oil); Rt. Hon. Ekperikpe Ekpo, Minister of State Petro­leum Resources (Gas); Mele Kolo Kyari, Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO), Nigerian National Petro­leum Corporation Limited (NNPCL), among other dig­nitaries.

Guests were treated to a plethora of enriching criti­cal industry conversations, plenary sessions, and min­isterial and presidential ad­dresses, of which one core message remained consis­tent: the need for industry stakeholder partnership/ collaboration to tackle the sector’s challenges and en­sure that Nigeria rebounds and exceeds its current pro­duction capacity.

Joining major produc­ers peers, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), TotalEnergies, ExxonMobil, Chevron Nigeria and Nigeri­an Agip Exploration (NAE) on the eponymous panel, Managing Director, Oando Energy Resources Nigeria Limited (OERNL), Dr. Aino­jie ‘Alex’ Irune gave credit to the regulators, NUPRC and NNPC, for their critical steps taken to revitalise the Nige­rian energy sector.

“For the first time in our nation’s history, we have witnessed a regulatory body actively promoting business transformation rather than simply enforcing regula­tions. The NUPRC has es­tablished ambitious goals for the industry, and it is incumbent upon industry players to implement the necessary business and op­erational changes to achieve these objectives.

“Furthermore, we have witnessed a revitalised NNPC that has implemented significant changes, partic­ularly with regards to per­sonnel and decision-mak­ing. These decisive actions are crucial for the compa­ny’s, and by extension, the sector’s, continued success. Without such measures, the undesired status quo would likely have persisted.” Dr. Irune remarked.

Dr. Irune believes that to maximise their ability to meet their set target and efficiently evacuate what is produced, key stakeholders, particularly the govern­ment, have a responsibility to tackle the issues of securi­ty and incessant vandalism before any key conversations arise.

He mentioned the pipe­lines are in their current state due to several factors of which security and interrup­tion issues through vandal­ism are the most prevalent. In light of this, he proposes that the only way to resolve these challenges and pro­duce sustainable results is through the alignment of all the key stakeholders along the value delivery chain.

“We need to prioritise process and production safety over quick wins and the continuous belief per­spective of value first; oth­erwise, all our ambitions to produce millions of barrels will be set to fail from the start”, Dr. Irune added.

Engr. Gbenga Komolafe, Chief Executive, NUPRC, while addressing the audi­ence remarked on the com­mission’s achievement since its enactment by the Petro­leum Industry Act (PIA) in 2021.

He said, “First, on the de­velopment of regulations, we have successfully intro­duced critical regulations in collaboration with industry stakeholders that operation­alise the Petroleum Industry Act and encourage regulato­ry clarity, predictability, and transparency. So far, twen­ty-five priority regulations have been developed, and seventeen have already been executed. This approach has optimised regulatory processes and has boosted investors’ confidence.”
