NNPCL – A Syndicated Crime Scene

3 hours ago 9

First of all, let me start this piece with an iconic appreciation to one of my wonderful allies, in the name, Professor David David, (Award Chair) the Executive Director of Nigerian Books of Record, in collaboration with Global Youth Mental Health Awareness, (GYMHA) Australia, for the honour bestowed on me as one of their 2024 RekordBreakers Global Award, with world acclaimed personalities, such as, Dr Ngozi Okonji Iwuala, Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina, Helen Clark, Prof. Rohit Bansal, Dr. Rania Lampou, Dr. Joe Okei -Odumakin, H.E Amina J Mohammed GCON to mention these few.

In 2023, I was inducted into the hall of fame in the Nigerian Books of Record. I have never made public most of the honours bestowed on me, because I felt that everything about me, including all the honours should be a glory to God Almighty alone. Not until a few days ago did I get the inspiration to publish this particular honour, not as an ego boost, but to inform many people who have been struggling without any iota of hope in their Divine Callings.

“Service to humanity doesn’t mean that you will be rich, or become an instant hero. No… it’s a sacrifice that MUST add certain positive impacts to the society, and it must be consistent, persistent and deliberate, devoid of personal ambitions or interests.”- DSM

When the Scriptures say that, we should seek first the kingdom of God, impliedly, it means, seek first your Divine purpose fulfilment or calling that must be impactful, honest, truthful and redemptive in your sphere of influence.

I want to appeal to everyone to stand up and pursue his or her Divine purpose or calling, and I want you to bear in mind that you will face many obstacles and challenges. The golden tonic is the absolute assurance that, you will be rewarded at God’s amazing time. Don’t give up….Never give up…but always stand up for justice, peace, love and truth. They are costly to pursue, but if they are your Divine Callings, don’t be afraid. You will definitely find favour from God Almighty and Man. Please don’t give up, especially in this present world of disorderliness, where falsehood has become a new normal.

Just take a mental appraisal of this nomination accolade of the Nominees, and I pray that you will equally be honoured at a time Divinely approved, Amen.

“Dear esteemed Nominees,
We are delighted to confirm the exceptional individuals, nominated for the prestigious Rekordbreakers Global Award 2024.

“These remarkable achievers have demonstrated extraordinary accomplishments in their respective fields, and we are honored to recognise their contributions.

“Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement. Your dedication and commitment to making the world a better place is truly commendable. We are excited about the possibility of celebrating your success and highlighting the positive impact you have made.”

Although I couldn’t attend the ceremony physically in Australia due to the financial implications, but, I am reminded that a true honour doesn’t appraise your financial standing…but your positive contribution towards making the world, a society of positive legacies, where justice and human dignity must be sacrosanct.

Now Back To The Main Issue… NNPCL, an Organisation where crimes are applauded as a national anthem.

NNPCL has been infested with organised criminals, and sadly, the leaders of such syndicated crime convents are the ministers, top managers and oil cabals. These criminals have destroyed our refineries, sold our crude oil upfront and made payments to themselves. The worst scenario presently is that, the same criminals have hijacked the only soothing hope (Dangote Refinery) of Nigerians, and from the North to the South, East to the West, lies are flying uncontrollably, and Nigeria has become so obviously a confused society. The battle of who has the highest rating on the new lying sprees between NNPCL and Dangote Refinery Management has been so intense that even the Devil must be wondering how we have outsmarted him as human beings.

Nigeria has been infested with certain organised personalities, and whose main function is to make a sinner to be seen as a saint, while being a victim of self-deletion. Since I was born, I have never witnessed the kind of lies in Nigeria as presently offered by the federal government and devil incarnates in human skins. In fact, there’s a need for Nigeria to open a school, where the course content will focus on how lies could be used to build a national conscience. What’s normal in Nigeria presently except being a liar? It’s gravitational, and of course, from top to bottom.

In present Nigeria, if you are not a liar, you are abnormal. Every sphere has been captured, and like I said earlier, the Devil has to come to Nigeria, and learn from Nigerians on how to lie, pervert justice and destroy both humans, properties and ancestral lands. It has become a national monument to lie, and from a child of three years old to the greedy elders, morality value evaluation has been shifted from seeing evil and calling it good.

We prefer elections riggers to accurate elections results, and sadly, the perpetrators of this evidence of evilness are those who ought to set the highest morality standards. Who could believe that in a society, where professors are in their thousands, the same professors will be happy to hoist someone whose academic records are in dispute.
A society where a professor will be happy to announce an election result with distorted figures.
A society where even the religious leaders will be praying for those who have captured their citizens through all manners of evil vices.
A society where chieftaincy titles that ought to serve as an honest legacy for individuals with the highest moral standards, are now bequeathed to criminals and armed robbers.
A society where national honours and shared amongst the most notorious criminals.

Everywhere you look, there’s no single example of the morality value evaluation standard, and unfortunately, money has become a mini-god that the new Nigerian society has recognised as a standard of local and national honours. It’s like, we are all in the same voyage, and if you are not smart enough to escalate your prowess as a criminal, you will be regarded as a ‘mugu.’ We are all in the threshold of wealth acquisition mission, and it doesn’t matter any longer, how you made it, so far, you are rich, pursuing the accolade to be counted amongst the richest.

This is the only country where God’s amazing endowments have become the source of poverty and turbulent flow stations. In Zamfara and some northern states, the mineral resources have become the very essence of terrorism and bandits. It’s very unfortunate that such resources that ought to give citizens the best of weddings have been turned into a sinister provocation, where human lives can be wasted without any iota of remorse.

In Niger Delta region, the discovery of crude oil and gas deposits have not only destroyed the natural environment habitations, but it has destroyed both our morality values and lives. Militias are everywhere in Nigeria, and the worst scenario is that, the most deadly criminals are in the government corridors, dishing out all manners of brutality and nepotistic policies.

Nigeria is supposed to be a free market economy, and that’s why businesses are conducted under a non-Monopolist marketing ideology. In fact, monopoly in any sort of disguise is totally unacceptable, and the government frowns at such business engagement. That’s why the government can plead with the Bua and Dangote cement industry to reduce the prices of cement. A situation that must allow the citizens to breathe.

The same government that restricts any form of monopoly on any business engagement has now become the ring leader in inflicting the monopolistic business engagement on the Dangote PMS product. NNPCL has revealed that a government can intentionally destroy its citizens’ happiness without a hoot.

What illiteracy has done in most of our thinking analysis is that most of us are not aware that Dangote Refinery was built by all nigerians through the commonwealth concessionary forex exchange rate granted by the federal government. The federal government approval of such forex exchange concession rate for Dangote Refinery building execution was on behalf of all Nigerians. The federal government served as the Nigerians commonwealth management team, and whatever decision taken to help in building Dangote Refinery should be seen as a collective resolve of all Nigerians. When Emefiele and PMB approved the forex exchange rate concession for Dangote Refinery building, the funds being given as concessions were not owned by Emefiele or PMB, but the entire citizens of Nigeria. Dangote as a person owes us the best of appreciation. In as much that he built the Refinery from his personal initiative, and as a profit making project, he should equally remember that all Nigerians were part of the refinery’s project execution. In his pricing mechanism, he should not allow the criminal monopolists in NNPCL to disrupt his human conscience, having seen how Nigerians are being tortured by their own hoisted wicked leaders.

On the other hand, Dangote Refinery management should not play on our intelligence, and if Dangote truly loves Nigeria, he should expose the manipulative therapy of NNPCL in determining the prices of his refined products. As at today, no one is sure of who to blame on the extremely high prices of Dangote refined petroleum products. Nigerians have become a theatre of confused citizens under the confusionists in government and business empires.

These criminals in NNPCL have lied severally in their quest to defraud Nigerians. They lied on Malta Refined Products exploitative importation, and today, they have descended on the Dangote refined pricing mechanism and currency denomination settlement. There’s no other logical way to describe these monopolistic criminals other than their sinister motive to equally destroy the Dangote Refinery as they’ve destroyed our four refineries. They have come up with a new criminal terminology, where a local petroleum product from Dangote Refinery has the semblance of importation costs implications. Now, NNPCL is importing Dangote and Malta Refined Products at the same price syndications and exporting the same to Nigerians on international trade verification cargo declaration prices. What else can be described as having a government that has demonstrated that its intention is not for the citizens goodwill but the absolutism of insensitivity and wickedness. A clear indication that our leaders are seeing us as animals in the Zoo, totally enjoying their deliberate hardships policies by popping up champagne on our miserable situations.

“The confirmation of a confused society can be glaringly showcased when it exports its best brains and retains the ugliest brains to lead its citizens with impunity.” – DSM.

In conclusion, let us begin to note all Nigerian enemies, whose only way of managing our commonwealth is either to enrich themselves or to inflict MISERIES on the citizens. This is because, the season that we are in, demands that we must be alert to debunk any falsehood narratives, especially from a government that has totally lost its memories, now confused at what it promised and what next steps to take. We are right now under a ship captain who has lost his memories, and we must understand that our destination is not only murky…but a tempest of uncertainties, hence I come in PEACE.

Dr. Sunny Oby Maduka (DSM) is an Author, Resource Personality, Management Consultant/Trainer, Chartered/Certified -Auditor/ Accountant, Financial Compliance Expert, Economic/Political Analyst Strategist, Marine Expert and Motivationist)
