Nigeria Among 5 Countries Accounting For Half Of 2.9 Missed TB Cases Globally

2 hours ago 4

Nigeria is among five countries that account for half of the 2. 9 million missed tuberculosis (TB) cases globally.

According to the Global Tuberculosis Report 2022, the five countries that accounted for over 50 per cent of the missed cases then included India, 17 per cent; Nigeria, 11 per cent (sixth in the world and first in Africa); Indonesia, 10 per cent; Pakistan, eight per cent; and Phillipines, seven per cent.

In all, these five TB endemic countries account for 1.45 million of missed TB cases worldwide. The state’s Programme Manager, Lagos State Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme, Dr Olusola Sokoya, disclosed these during a three-day TB training programme, organised by Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS).

The event was in partnership with the Lagos State TB Control Programme. The event which was held in Lagos from September September 17 – 19, was aimed to equip journalists with the knowledge and skills to promote accurate reporting on TB and leverage the media to champion increased budgetary allocation for TB interventions.
