Lions Club Takes Free Eye Screening To Agidingbi Community

5 hours ago 7


The Ikeja Dynamic Lions Club 404B2 Nigeria as part of its October service activity has sensitized and screened the eyes of residents in the Agidingbi community.

Lion Oladele Adeniran Shomefu, first Vice President of the club while speaking at the programme held at the Agidingbi town hall said that the screening was organized to assist the indigents in the community and its environ, and that service to humanity is one of their core areas.

He said that the programme was chosen because it will impact the community.

“Vision is one of our pillars in the Lions club. That is why we brought the service to this community where we have indigent people living around here, people that cannot afford this service.

He said not all the people that had their eye screened required glasses, that some would require medication while some would require eye drop but that whichever one they require it would be provided for them free of charge.

“After the screening, drugs, eye drops, eye glasses would be given to them according to their various descriptions. For those who were screened, we cannot give them eyeglasses or drops immediately because eye screening involved different eye defects, we could not have purchased glasses randomly

“The optician would develop the reports into types of glasses and will be made available to the beneficiaries,” he said.

Lion Ayodeji Afolabi, service Chairperson for the club while speaking said that the club is all about humanitarian services and that what its members do is to make an impact in communities.

“We will assist them in various ways, our motto says ‘service first, creating a lasting impact’, so one of the ways we are creating impact in this community is to invite as many that has issue with their eye, we have the doctors here, anyone that need glasses it will be provided, our club will provide glasses for them free of charge, those that need drugs or eye drop our club will provide it for them.

“For those that need surgery, we will get their data and we do our normal processes in order to see how we can assist as regards to that. This is not the first time we are doing that, some that have cataracts we assisted them and proper surgeries were done free of charge. We will also do that if we have them here now,” he said.

Lion Dr. Kelechi Onyeidi, one of the doctors, said that the club chose the programme because it would impact the community.   

He said a lot of them have been attended to and that some of them require surgeries and the club would see how it can support them.

“for those that need eye glasses, we don’t have the lenses ready-made, so after the test we will compile those that will need the service and we will fix their lenses and give it to them when it’s ready.

Some of the beneficiaries appreciated the organizer of the programme, saying the gesture is a big relief to them.
