Hormonal Disorders And Way Forward To Assisted Fertility Treatment

2 hours ago 6

A developing egg is called an oocyte. It is important to de­fine Oocytes before explain­ing how their quality relates to Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Assisted repro­ductive technologies (ART). Specifically, an oocyte is an immature egg cell of the an­imal’s ovary. The common name for an oocyte is egg cell. In humans, one oocyte ma­tures during the menstrual cycle, becoming an ootid and then an ovum, while several others partially mature and then disintegrate.

According to the Ameri­can Center for Disease Con­trol (CDC) Assisted reproduc­tive technologies (ART) are any fertility-related treat­ments in which eggs or em­bryos are manipulated. Pro­cedures where only sperm are manipulated, such as intrauterine inseminations, are not considered under this definition.

As discussed in the previ­ous article, Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition where you have few, unusual, or very long periods. Some ex­perts define it as a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.

It is noteworthy that Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often results in hav­ing too much of a male hor­mone called androgen. Many small sacs of fluid develop on the ovaries. They may fail to regularly release eggs.

Does PCOS Affect The Quality Of Eggs?

The good news is, that women with PCOS produce a high number of healthy eggs. But, as with all women, with age comes a decrease in egg quality and quantity. Therefore, like all women, the timing of building a fam­ily is important, and a delay in time to pregnancy because of PCOS can interfere with fu­ture family plans.

Causes Of Poor Oocyte Quality

The most common cause of poor oocyte quality is nat­ural aging, which is strongly tied to reduced oocyte mito­chondrial efficiency and in­creased oxidative stress.

Oocyte Factors

Two important oocyte-se­creted factors (OSFs) are growth-differentiation factor 9 and bone morphogenetic protein 15, which activate signaling pathways in CCs to regulate key genes and cellu­lar processes required for CC differentiation and for CCs to maintain their distinctive phenotype.

Determining Oocyte Quality

Several studies have shown that the integrity, shape, or size of the polar body could be used to assess oocyte qual­ity and even be predictive of post-ovulatory aging status. Fertilisation rates and em­bryo quality are higher when the polar body is intact, with a correct shape and a smooth surface.

Improves Oocyte Quality

Resveratrol has been demonstrated to improve the quality of aging oocytes owing to its antioxidant and anti-apoptotic effects in mam­mals. Increasing data have in­dicated its protective effects on oocytes from age-depen­dent deficits as a potent SIRT1 activator.

Difference Between PCOS Eggs And Normal Eggs

Normally, ovarian follicles contain egg cells, which are released during ovulation. In polycystic ovary syndrome, abnormal hormone levels prevent follicles from grow­ing and maturing to release egg cells. Instead, these imma­ture follicles accumulate in the ovaries. Affected women can have 12 or more of these follicles.

Improving Egg Quality With PCOS

There are some changes you can make to your lifestyle. Regular exercise – could help to improve fertility outcomes and reduce stress in PCOS ladies. Supplementing with Inofolic Alpha which contains myo-inositol, folic acid, and al­pha-lactalbumin.

Causes Of Poor Egg Quality

Chemotherapy or radia­tion therapy- could affect egg quality and could even lead to early menopause. Autoim­mune disorders- could pro­duce antibodies against their eggs and affect their quality. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)- could cause high lev­els of insulin which can affect egg quality.

Increasing Egg Quality

Exercising, reducing stress, improving your sleep patterns, and getting proper nutrition can all improve egg health.

Symptoms Of Poor Egg Quality

Some signs that may in­dicate a low egg reserve in­clude experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, difficulty conceiving, unusually short menstrual cycles, or recur­rent miscarriages.

What affects egg quality the most?

Age And Egg Quality

Several factors can impact the health of a person’s eggs. But the dominant factor is one that no one can control: age.

Improving Egg Quality After Age 40

These include The Fertili­ty Diet; Quality Sleep; Avoid­ance of Smoking; Avoidance of Caffeine and Alcohol; man­aging stress; Light Exercise And Supplements.

Reversing Poor Egg Quality

Once an egg becomes low in quality, or genetically ab­normal, there is no way to re­verse the damage. Egg quality is affected by several factors, including Age. DNA damage is inevitable in older eggs.

Use Of Eggs For IVF Amid PCOS

For women with PCOS who want to become preg­nant later, egg freezing — also known as oocyte pres­ervation — is a method of fertility preservation. The eggs are extracted now and can be thawed and used for IVF or intrauterine insem­ination (IUI) when you’re ready to start — or continue — growing your family.


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