Pension: Police retirees vow to occupy National Assembly over nonsigning of exiting bills

12 hours ago 2

The National Union of Police Retirees, Kaduna State Branch has concluded arrangements to occupy the National Assembly if their demands to exit from the contributory pension scheme are not met by the end of September 2024.

They vowed to remain at the National Assembly gate until President Bola Tinubu signed the pension exit bills.

The bill to exit the Nigeria Police from contributory pension scheme and the bill for the establishment of the Nigeria Police Pension Board, are what the police retirees are patiently waiting for.

This was contained in a press statement signed by the Chairman of the Police Retirees Kaduna State Chapter, CSP Mannir Lawal Zaria Rtd, and the Vice Chairman ASP Danlami Maigamo Rtd which was made available to newsmen in Kaduna on Thursday.

CSP  Zaria Rtd lamented that the police retirees under the contributory pension Scheme are dying immensely due to poverty and hunger.

“The union is also pleading that, as the death toll is on the increase among the police retirees under the contributory pension scheme they want an urgent intervention from the president. Let him look into their plight and sign the two bills before him.

The police also demanded the payments of some allowances which were not paid to them.

“Two point five percent differential, the Federal Government Palliative and three consecutive pension increament by the Federal Government as well as the minimum wage increase”.

The statement also recalls, “During the police retirees recent protest, the Chairman Senate Committee for Police Affairs, Senator Ahmed Abdulkadir Malamadori, addressed them in his office, where he promised the retirees that, before  September 24, 2024 they would be exited from the Contributory Pension Scheme to the Define Benefit Scheme (DBS). that the two Police Bills would be Harmonize”.

“Sequel to the non fulfilment of the promise made, the blood pressure of many concerned police retirees has raised above maximum”.

“Therefore, the Kaduna Branch has unanimously agreed that, if by the end of this September, the Nigeria Police is not exempted from contributory Pension Scheme, they will occupy the National Assembly until President Bola Tinubu signs the bills.”

