Nigerian Student Fashion And Design Week Returns After Five Years

4 hours ago 6

 The Nigerian Student Fashion and Design Week (NSFDW) is poised for a grand comeback after a five-year hiatus. As Africa’s premier indepen­dent platform for showcasing emerging fashion talents and entrepreneurs in Nigeria, this highly anticipated event will take place in November at the prestigious Oriental Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria.

Themed ‘Fashion For­ward’, NSFDW 2024, accord­ing to the organisers, aims to showcase the creativity and talent of emerging designers and fashion creatives in the fashion and design industry. The event will feature runway shows, workshops with indus­try experts, and networking opportunities for aspiring de­signers, models, and industry professionals.

Abiola Orimolade, found­er of NSFDW said that this year’s edition will showcase a diverse array of designs, ranging from couture designs to cutting-edge contemporary streetwear. Orimolade further stated that the event will also spotlight the latest trends in fashion and design, with a strong emphasis on sustain­ability and ethical practices, underscoring the importance of responsible fashion in shap­ing the future of the industry.

“We are thrilled to bring back the Nigerian Student Fashion and Design Week and provide a platform for young, emerging Nigerian designers to showcase their work. Over the years, we’ve seen incredi­ble talent rise to prominence through this platform, with notable designers like Hauwa Liman of Afrik Abaya, Bibi Lawrence, Faith Oluwajimi of BLOKE and Vovwe Omoko of Ovem making their mark in the fashion industry.

“This event will not only celebrate the talent of emerg­ing designers but also contrib­ute to the growth and develop­ment of the Nigerian fashion industry, fostering innovation and creating opportunities for the next generation of fashion entrepreneurs,” Orimolade said.

As is tradition, the event will recognize designers with the most creative and innova­tive designs, awarding them cash prizes along with the op­portunity to showcase their collections at Dallas Fashion Week in 2025. This offers winners a global platform to elevate their brands and gain international exposure.

The fashion event is sched­uled to be held from 28th to 30th November with a lineup of activities while the grand finale show will be held on the 30th of November at Oriental Hotel, Lagos.
