Leaders Must Heal Nigeria With Justice, Equity – CAN

2 hours ago 6

As Nigerian Muslims joined the other faithful all over the world to celebrate the Eid-ul-Maulud last Monday, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in this statement signed by its president, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, tasked Nigerian political leaders to tackle the problems facing the citizens, as there is a lot of suffering in the land

On behalf of the Christian As­sociation of Nigeria (CAN), I ex­tend warm greetings to our Mus­lim brothers and sisters across the nation as you celebrate Eid-ul-Maulud, the birth of the Mus­lim Prophet Muhammad.

This occasion offers us all an op­portunity to reflect on the values of peace, compassion, and unity that the Prophet exemplified and to apply these principles in our daily lives.

As we gather in celebration, let us be reminded of the contempo­rary realities facing our beloved country. Nigeria is blessed with a rich diversity of cultures and reli­gions, and it is this diversity that strengthens the fabric of our na­tion.

However, we must also acknowl­edge the challenges of insecurity, economic hardship, and social divi­sion that threaten our unity.

In these trying times, it is imper­ative that we stand together in sol­idarity, transcending religious and ethnic barriers. Let us use this cele­bration to renew our commitment to fostering peace and understanding among all Nigerians.

We are stronger when we work together towards common goals, and it is through mutu­al respect and dialogue that we can build a more harmonious society.

I urge all religious leaders to con­tinue promoting messages of toler­ance and coexistence. Let us encour­age our communities to engage in acts of kindness and support for one another, particularly for those who are less fortunate.

To our leaders, this is a call to action to prioritize policies that will alleviate the suffering of the people and ensure justice and equity for all. It is through good governance and transparent leadership that we can restore hope and confidence in our nation’s future.

As our Muslim brothers and sis­ters celebrate Eid-ul-Maulud, may the teachings of the Prophet inspire our people to pursue peace and jus­tice, and may God bless Nigeria with prosperity and unity.

Once again, I wish all Muslims a joyous and peaceful Eid-ul-Maulud. God bless Nigeria.
