Joke Silva advocates eradication of all forms of s3xual harassment against women in Nollywood

15 hours ago 3

Veteran Nollywood actress Joke Silva has demanded the eradication of all forms of s3xual harassment against women in the Nigerian movie industry dubbed Nollywood. 

The thespian who spoke at the Women in Film and TV Conference on Wednesday in Lagos also advocated against negative stereotypes in the movie industry.

According to Joke who is the President of the Forum of Women in Film and TV, Nigeria, the importance of women in the film industry is paramount to shaping our nation.

READ ALSO: Joke Silva says Nigerian filmmakers can learn from Tyler Perry

She said; “The importance of women in the film industry is paramount to shaping our nation, so we need a safe and conducive environment to thrive.

“All forms of sexual harassment in the film industry must be eradicated as it kills the nation in so many ways that you cannot imagine.

“It is also important that we get rid of all forms of negative stereotypes in films where we paint some things in a certain way while in reality, it truly isn’t like that.

“We also need more women in the government in order to make policies and strengthen our stance in the country,” Joke added.

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