Investing In Peace Will Save Nigeria Greater Costs In Future, Says Prof Olumuyiwa 

2 hours ago 7

The Director General, World Peace Programme (WPP) and Country Representative, World Peace Organisation (WPO), Professor Olumuyiwa Babalola, has charged government at all levels and other critical stakeholders in the Nigeria project to invest in peace, in order to  save the nation greater costs in future. 

Speaking at the 2024 edition of the  Ekiti Peace Day ,Professor Olumuyiwa  advocated the integration of peace education into the schools by teaching the children the values of non-violence, conflict resolution, and tolerance.

Olumuyiwa, the multi-Awards recipient was one of the eminent  inductees into the “Ekiti Peace Hall of Fame “as part of the activities marking the United Nations International  Peace Day 2024.

The Diplomatic Peace Ambassador also urged stakeholders  to embrace  dialogues, promote understanding, and above all, lead by example.” Let peace begin with us, right here, right now.”

He said: “We must ensure that women and youth are active participants in the peacebuilding process. Women, in particular, have always been powerful voices for peace in our communities, and their inclusion is vital to any lasting solution.

Underscoring the power of Dialogue-Driven Leadership, Olumuyiwa urged Nigeria leaders to embrace open lines of Communications adding that it is hight time stskeholders cultivated “a Culture of Peace” .

“For our political leaders, traditional rulers, and community heads, I urge you to continue fostering open lines of communication. Let us choose dialogue over discord, and cooperation over discord, and cooperation over confrontation. It is through these conversations that we will find lasting solutions to our challenges.

“Now, consider the ripple effect this culture of peace will have. A peaceful Nigeria will attract investment, promote tourism, and create jobs. Communities where  ask: what is the cost of conflict? The economic losses, the destruction of lives and properties, and the erosion of trust—these are costs we cannot afford.

“Investing in peace now will save us from far greater costs in the future. And the benefits—economic growth, stronger communities, and a brighter future for our children—are immeasurable.

“Today, I stand before Nigerians and the whole world to challenge each of you: Will you be a champion of peace? 

“Will you take the message of peace back to your homes, your workplaces, and your communities and your countries? Whether you are a leader, a parent, or a youth, each of us has a role to play in making peace the driving force of our development.

“But time is of the essence. We cannot wait for the next conflict to remind us of the importance of peace. The world around us is changing rapidly, and if we do not act now, we risk losing the progress we’ve made. Let us seize this moment and commit to building a peaceful World, where the future is bright for all.

“Together, we can cultivate a culture of peace that will serve as the foundation for prosperity, security, and unity. Let us move forward as one people, peace for Nigeria, peace,” Olumuyiwa said. 
