FG Reaffirms Commitment To Pelindaba Treaty

2 hours ago 3

Nigeria has reaffirmed her commitment to the Treaty of Pelindaba declaring Africa a NuclearFree Zone.

The Minister of Defence Mohammed Badaru said this as the country joined other countries to launch a campaign for a treaty that prohibits the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices by limiting the quantitative improvement of nuclear weapons.

He stated this during a meeting of the launching of the Friends of Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty hosted by Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida at the United Nations General Assembly 79 in New York. Badaru said Nigeria and the African continent shall remain committed to the Treaty of PELINDABA, declaring Africa as a Nuclear weapon-free zone.

According to him, Nigeria is playing a leading advocacy role for nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and will continue to actively participate in initiatives to strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) regime.
