CEO 9PSB Harps On Innovations, Collaboration For Nigeria’s Fintech Growth

4 hours ago 17


LAGOS – At the 2024 Nigeria Fin­tech Week held in La­gos, Branka Mracajac, CEO of 9 Payment Service Bank (9PSB), Nigeria’s digital payment service bank, focused on financial inclusion, emphasized the critical impor­tance of innovation, increased investment, regulatory support, and collaboration among stake­holders in driving the growth of Nigeria’s fintech ecosystem.

The three-day event themed: Positioning Africa’s Fintech Ecosystem to Accelerate Inclu­sive growth’, brought together industry leaders to discuss strat­egies for leveraging generative Artificial Intelligence and tran­sitioning from revenue-driven to profitability-focused business models.

In a keynote address – Power­ing Nigeria’s Fintech Ecosystem to Accelerate Growth, the Chief Executive Officer, and Manag­ing Director, 9 Payment Service Bank, Branka Mracajac, high­lighted that as Nigeria stands at the forefront of the fintech revolution in Africa, the market has experienced significant ad­vancements.

The influx of startups and foreign investments is redefin­ing how financial services are delivered. Innovations such as digital and mobile wallets are addressing the financial needs of millions of Nigerians.

However, to sustain this mo­mentum, it is essential to address several challenges. With over 28 million adults lacking access to essential financial services, en­hancing digital infrastructure and improving connectivity are critical. Furthermore, the afford­ability and accessibility of fin­tech products must be prioritized to ensure that all Nigerians can benefit from these advancements.

In her words, “building trust with consumers is paramount. The fintech sector must ensure reliable data practices and pro­vide educational resources to enhance understanding of avail­able services.

While the Central Bank of Ni­geria and other regulatory bodies have taken significant steps to fos­ter innovation, continued efforts are needed to protect consumers and create a supportive environ­ment for industry growth.
