Blossomflow Foundation Addresses Period Poverty With New Campaign

20 hours ago 6

In a bid to address the growing issue of period poverty, the Blossomflow Empowerment Foundation has launched a nationwide campaign titled: “My Period, My Story.”

The initiative, which is part of the foundation’s broader “Period Palava” programme, aims to raise awareness about the challenges many girls and women in Nigeria face in accessing menstrual products.

Period poverty remains a significant issue in Nigeria, where many girls and women lack access to essential sanitary products. This often leads to missed school days for adolescent girls, affecting their education, and can also impact women’s ability to work and maintain their livelihoods.

The “My Period, My Story” campaign seeks to highlight these struggles by encouraging participants to share their personal experiences with menstrual health in short video clips. The campaign will select one participant from each of Nigeria’s 36 states, with winners receiving one year supply of sanitary pads.

Participants are required to submit videos via social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, detailing their stories and challenges as they relate to menstrual health.

These stories will not only provide insight into the personal difficulties faced by many but also serve to break the silence and stigma often associated with menstruation.

The campaign emphasizes the importance of public awareness and social change regarding menstrual health. By sharing their experiences, participants are contributing to a larger conversation about the need for accessible menstrual products and the societal barriers many face.

The foundation hopes that the campaign will encourage more action toward ending period poverty and ensuring that no girl or woman is held back due to her period.

In addition to submitting their stories, participants are encouraged to engage with Blossomflow’s social media platforms by following, liking, and sharing content, which will increase their chances of being selected as winners.

The foundation will announce the winners on its social media pages after the submission window closes. With the “My Period, My Story” campaign, Blossomflow aims to spotlight the experiences of everyday Nigerians and underscore the importance of menstrual equity. By amplifying these voices, the foundation hopes to push for more comprehensive solutions to period poverty in Nigeria.
