Aqsa Day 2024: Speakers Decry Israelis Genocidal War, A Violation Of Human Rights In Palestine

2 hours ago 9
Leading Islamic scholars and activists in Nigeria at the peaceful rally within the premises of the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos.

… Withdraw Envoy From Israel, Prof. Lakin Akintola Tells Nigeria

… Muslims, Christians Must Speak Up For Palestinians, Says Fani-Kayode

Speakers at the 2024 Aqsa Day organised by the Muslim Awareness International (MAI) have decried the on­going Israeli genocidal war in Gaza and human rights violations against Palestinians.

The annual event, which is used to draw attention to the plights of Pal­estinians and mobilise solidarity for them in Nigeria, took place on Mon­day, September 16, 2024 at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos State.

Themed: ‘Free Palestinians: From the River to the Sea’, this year’s Aqsa Day paraded a lineup of speakers in­cluding former Minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode; renowned human rights activist and Director, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) Prof. Lakin Akintola; and respected Islamic scholar and Grand Mufti of Conference of Islamic Organisations (CIO), Sheikh Dhikrullahi Shafi’i.

The speakers took turns to strong­ly condemn Israeli aggression in Gaza, which has claimed the lives of over 40,000 Palestinians mostly wom­en and children.

In his own address, Prof. Akinto­la said Nigeria should immediately withdraw its Ambassador to Israel in protest of the several violations of fundamental human rights of Pales­tinians and resolutions of the United Nations by Israel.

The MURIC Director said no Af­rican nation would be condoned vi­olating the UN resolutions as Israel has done.

“Nigeria should not be party to the seizure of our Al Aqsa Mosque by sending an Ambassador to Jeru­salem. I am demanding that Nigeria withdraw its Ambassador to Israel in protest against several violations of fundamental human rights of millions of Palestinians; in protest against the repression of several de­mands made by the United Nations (UN).

Prof. Akintola also made a similar call to Islamic organisations in Nige­ria, asking them to decline invitations by the US Embassy in the country.

According to him, the United States does not respect human rights and is in support of the killing by Israel.

“I call on all Islamic organisations, led by the MAI today in this struggle, to boycott the activities of the Amer­ican Embassy in Nigeria — whether the consulate in Lagos or the one in Abuja. We must boycott activities of the UN embassy. They will invite you on their independence anniversary, but they have no respect for human­ity. America does not respect human rights. It’s all a deceit. It’s a facade and sham.

“Israel is not doing anything to the Palestinians. The hands of Israel are not on the Palestinians. The rockets of Israel are not falling on Gaza. It is the United State’s rockets, bombs and rifles that are at war in Gaza. Hold the hands of America today, Israel will fight. If America stops Israel today, Israel will stop the next minute. That’s why we are laying all the blame on America. That’s my phi­losophy. I don’t see Israel doing any­thing against the Palestinians, it is America. The so-called champion of democracy is a deceiver, an hypocrite, a parasite. America has no conscience today.”

The Professor of Islamic Eschatol­ogy noted that the ordinary American has a kind heart, but the capitalist sys­tem in the country sticks to tyranny.

“Americans have a way of ex­pressing kindness, sympathy with the weak, hungry and the oppressed. But the capitalist system of Ameri­can sticks with tyranny, dictatorship. What you see is not what you get. America is simply the more you look, the less you see.

“Islamic organisations in Nigeria should no longer entertain invitations extended to them by the US embassy in Nigeria. They should do it boldly, boycott American embassy. And let them know it is because of what they are doing against Palestine. We don’t see Israel in Palestine. What we see is America.”

For his own part, Chief Fani-Kayo­de, who spoke in a pre-recorded broad­cast from Abuja, said everyone re­gardless of faith have a duty to speak up for the Palestinians.

The former Minister expressed excitement that MAI hosted a gath­ering where Nigerians stood against the evil being perpetrated against the Palestinians.

He said the concept of Zionism was created many years ago to prop­agate the supremacy of the Jewish race, and also to propagate the idea that the Jews ought to be able to po­litically, religiously and in every oth­er sphere dominate all those around them in the Middle East.

He described what is going on in Palestine as the ‘genocide of our time’, saying there is nothing that has not been targeted.

“Men, women and children have been killed, butchered and murdered. Christians have been targeted. Mus­lims have been targeted. Mosques have been blown up. Churches have been blown up. It’s unbelievable.

“This is the genocide of our time. There is nothing they have not tar­geted. Hospitals have been targeted. More journalists have been killed there. Nobody is safe in Gaza. They have literally decimated the place, at­tempting to wipe everybody out.

Chief Fani-Kayode said many people from around the world have begun to speak against the genocide in Palestine, noting it is only a ques­tion time for true liberation to come for the people of Palestine.

“It is incumbent upon those of us that are so decent-minded and fear God to rise up and speak against this evil. And that’s happening all over the world; many people are speaking out. This is the way the world once spoke against apartheid in South Africa. It is only a question of time before true liberation come to the people of Pales­tine and Palestine will be free.

“Whether you are a Christian or Muslim, you have a right and duty to speak up for the people of Palestine, to remember that children are being killed on a daily basis, and to resist the evil zionist state that is predicated on apartheid and believes everybody else should be destroyed.”

In his remarks, Sheikh Shafi’i emphasised the role of prayer in the ongoing struggle for a free Palestine.

The Islamic scholar charged Muslims to continue to remember the plights of Palestinians in their qunut.

Mufti of Conference Of Islamic Organisations, while discussing the topic: “Our Role to Complete Freedom of Palestine”, lamented that that the Palestinians have been deprived of basic necessities of life since 2007.

He urged the Nigerian govern­ment not to remain neutral on the issue; it should make it stand known whether for or against the sufferings of the Palestinians

Shaykh Shafii who highlighted ways by which Nigerian Muslims can contribute to the freedom of Pal­estine, said, understanding the issue was vital, urged the muslims to shown concern for the plight of Palestinians by talking about it consistently.

He lamented that some Islamic countries have abandoned the Pales­tinians, thus, urging Nigerian Mus­lims to continue to support the cause financially. He also called for prayers for the suffering people of Gaza

Earlier in his welcome address, the Director of MAI, Comrade Ab­dulWaheed Atoyebi, said the purpose of the gathering was to discuss the grave injustices faced by Palestinians, especially the genocide instigated by the Zionist State of Israel.

The Director said the unfolding tragedy in Palestine has far-reaching implications whose impact go beyond the borders of Gaza.

“These atrocities not only threaten the lives of millions but also under­mine the very principles of democ­racy and freedom that we claim to cherish around the world,” he added.

MAI condemned Israel’s violation of international laws, noting the world must enforce the resolutions of the UN with seriousness.

“Israel’s defiance of international law is well-documented. The United Nations has passed numerous resolu­tions calling for an end to the occupa­tion and the recognition of Palestin­ian rights, yet Israel has consistently ignored these resolutions.

The organisation also called on people and government institutions to key into the boycott campaign against companies that directly and indirectly enable Israel’s actions.

MAI Director noted that hospitals, schools and safe zones have been tar­geted in the ongoing Israeli aggres­sion, adding this further underlines complete disregard for international norms.

He also made reference to the kill­ing of journalists covering the war, saying it is a direct attack on press freedom.
